序號 書名/作者 出版項 索書號
1中国少数民族古籍文献整理研究 =The arrangement and research on ancient documents of the ethnic minorities in China /朱崇先(1955-)著北京 :商務印書館,2017011 8947-2
2文本革命 :刘向、《汉书・艺文志》与早期文本研究 = A textual revolution : Liu Xiang, Hanshu Yiwenzhi, and the study of early texts /徐建委(1976-)著北京 :中国社会科学出版社,2017013.221 8576
3中国进士藏书家考略 /丁輝著;陳心蓉著合肥 :黃山書社,2017029.7 856:2
4華裔學志走過八十 /黃渼婷主編新北市 :輔仁大學華裔學志漢學研究中心,2015030.7 8636:2
5出土文獻與古典學重建論集 上海市 :中西書局,2018032.07 8956
6西觀漢記 :西方漢學出土文獻研究概要 = Chinese annals in the western observatory : an outline of western sinologys contributions to the study of Chinese unearthed texts /夏含夷1952-)著;Shaughnessy, Edward L.,1952-上海市 :上海古籍出版社,2018034 S533
7思想的風采 香港 :香港商務印書館,2018-078 8645:5 v.1
8思想的風采 香港 :香港商務印書館,2018-078 8645:5 v.2
9山右叢書上海 :上海古籍出版社,2017086.14 8646 v.2:1
10山右叢書上海 :上海古籍出版社,2017086.14 8646 v.2:10
11山右叢書上海 :上海古籍出版社,2017086.14 8646 v.2:11
12山右叢書上海 :上海古籍出版社,2017086.14 8646 v.2:12
13山右叢書上海 :上海古籍出版社,2017086.14 8646 v.2:2
14山右叢書上海 :上海古籍出版社,2017086.14 8646 v.2:3
15山右叢書上海 :上海古籍出版社,2017086.14 8646 v.2:4
16山右叢書上海 :上海古籍出版社,2017086.14 8646 v.2:5
17山右叢書上海 :上海古籍出版社,2017086.14 8646 v.2:6
18山右叢書上海 :上海古籍出版社,2017086.14 8646 v.2:7
19山右叢書上海 :上海古籍出版社,2017086.14 8646 v.2:8
20山右叢書上海 :上海古籍出版社,2017086.14 8646 v.2:9