序號 |
書名/作者 |
出版項 |
索書號 |
1 | 殷海光先生文集 :海光先生逝世十週年紀念/殷海光(1919-1969)著 | 臺北市 :桂冠圖書股份有限公司,民71[1982] | 078 8926 1982 v.1 | 2 | 殷海光先生文集 :海光先生逝世十週年紀念/殷海光(1919-1969)著 | 臺北市 :桂冠圖書股份有限公司,民71[1982] | 078 8926 1982 v.2 | 3 | 孝經釋義 | 臺中市 :聖賢雜誌社,民75[1986] | 096.2 8445 | 4 | 自由主义之累 :胡适思想的现代阐释 /歐陽哲生(1962-)著 | 上海 :上海人民出版社,1993 | 128 846:2/ 8764 1993 | 5 | 評熊十力的新唯識論 /釋印順(1906-2005)著 | 香港 :正聞學社出版,民39[1950] | 128 8556(7)/ 8775 | 6 | Evolution and the founders of pragmatism /Wiener, Philip Paul,1905-,author.;Dewey, John,1859-1952,writer of foreword | | 143.45 W647 1969 | 7 | Genealogical pragmatism :philosophy, experience, and community /Stuhr, John J.,author | | 143.73 S933 | 8 | Transcendentalism as a social movement, 1830-1850 /Rose, Anne C.,1950-,author | | 143.89 R795 | 9 | Order and artifice in Hume's political philosophy /Whelan, Frederick G.,1947-,author | | 144.47 W566 | 10 | Classic American philosophers :Peirce, James, Royce, Santayana, Dewey, Whitehead : selections from their writings | New York :Fordham University Press,1996 | 145.4 C614 1997 | 11 | The new American philosophers :an exploration of thought since World War II /Reck, Andrew J.,1927-,author | | 145.5 R298 1970 | 12 | Dewey's logical theory :new studies and interpretations /Talisse, Robert B,editor | | 145.51 D519:3 | 13 | Dewey's ethical thought /Welchman, Jennifer,author | | 145.51 W441 | 14 | Existentialism and human emotions /Sartre, Jean-Paul,1905-1980,author.;Lederberg, Joshua,donor | | 146.77 E96 | 15 | The world as will and representation /Schopenhauer, Arthur,1788-1860,author.;Payne, E. F. J,translator | | 147.53 S373-1/ P346 1966 v.2 | 16 | The world as will and representation /Schopenhauer, Arthur,1788-1860,author.;Payne, E. F. J,translator | | 147.53 S373-1/ P346 1969 v.1 | 17 | The essence of Christianity /Feuerbach, Ludwig,1804-1872,author.;Niebuhr, H. Richard,writer of foreword | | 147.55 F423-2/ E42 | 18 | Feuerbach /Wartofsky, Marx W,author | | 147.55 W298 1982 | 19 | Essentialism in the thought of Karl Marx /Meikle, Scott,author | | 147.57 M512 | 20 | Logischer Rationalismus :philosophische Schriften der Lemberg-Warschauer Schule /Woleński , Jan,editor | | 156 L832 |