序號 |
書名/作者 |
出版項 |
索書號 |
1 | 古典文献研究 | 南京市 :南京大学出版社,1989[民78]- | 011.05 8527 v.25:1 | 2 | 国际汉学研究通讯 =Newsletter for International China Studies | 北京市 :中华书局,2011- | 030.7 8676 v.23/24 | 3 | 近代啟蒙脈絡中的思想論爭 :詮釋與結構 /吳曉昀編 | 臺北市 :中央研究院中國文哲研究所,民111(2022) | 110 8956 v.3 | 4 | 東亞儒學與經典詮釋 :跨文化的考察 /陳瑋芬,(1970-)編輯 | | 112.07 8676 2016 v.5 | 5 | Pragmatism, its sources and prospects /Zeltner, Philip M.,editor | | 143.73 P898:5 | 6 | The American pragmatists :selected writings /Kennedy, Gail,1900-,editor | | 143.73 P898:6 1964 | 7 | Purpose and thought :the meaning of pragmatism /Smith, John E.1921-2009 | | 143.73 S652 | 8 | Hume's philosophy of common life /Livingston, Donald W.author | | 144.47 L786-2 1985 | 9 | Philosophy in experience :American philosophy in transition /Anderson, Douglas R | | 145.07 P568:3 | 10 | The American philosopher :conversations with Quine, Davidson, Putnam, Nozick, Danto, Rorty, Cavell, MacIntyre, and Kuhn /Borradori, Giovanna,author.;Crocitto, Rosannatranslator | Chicago :University of Chicago Press,1994 | 145.5 B737/ C937 | 11 | The spirit of American philosophy /Smith, John Edwin,author | | 145.5 S652 1983 | 12 | The last conceptual revolution :a critique of Richard Rorty's political philosophy /Gander, Eric,author | | 145.59 856/ G195 | 13 | George Herbert Mead :self, language, and the world /Miller, David L.,1903-,author | | 145.59 M479/ M647 1980 | 14 | Discourses of the fall :a study of Pascal's Pensées /Melzer, Sara E.,author | | 146.33 P278/ M532 | 15 | Karl Jaspers :an introduction to his philosophy /Wallraff, Charles F.,author | | 147.73 W215 | 16 | 美德伦理学 :从宋明儒的观点看 /黃勇著 | 北京 :商務印書館,2022 | 190.925 836 | 17 | 上田唯識思想之研究 :現象學的進路 /陳榮灼著 | 新竹市 :國立清華大學出版社,2022 | 220.1 8552/ 8762 | 18 | The seal of the unity of the three /Wei, Boyang,active 2nd century,author.;Pregadio, Fabrizio,author | | 235.1 2566/ P923 v.1 | 19 | The seal of the unity of the three /Wei, Boyang,active 2nd century,author.;Pregadio, Fabrizio,author | | 235.1 2566/ P923 v.2 | 20 | Awakening to reality :the "regulated verses" of the Wuzhen pian, a Taoist classic of internal alchemy /Pregadio, Fabrizio,author.;Zhang, Boduan,active 10th century-11th century | | 235.2 5764/ P923 |