序號 |
書名/作者 |
出版項 |
索書號 |
1 | 古典文献研究 /程章燦,主編者 | | 011.05 8527 v.27:1 | 2 | 国际汉学研究通讯 =Newsletter for International China Studies | | 030.7 8676 v.27 | 3 | 古典心性的开显 :现代新儒家孟子学研究 /周浩翔,1983-文字作者 | | 121.26 8633 | 4 | 王弼本老子文字諟正 /鍾克昌,文字作者 | | 121.311 8655-2 | 5 | 白沙學刊 | | 126.3 8656 v.2 | 6 | 徐復觀教授《中國文學論集》手稿整理彙編 /謝鶯興 | | 128 8596/ 8727 v.7 | 7 | Report on Korean Confucianism studies :analysis and outlook of researches on Confucianism in Korean Academia | | 132.51 R425 2019 | 8 | Report on Korean Confucianism studies :analysis and outlook of researches on Confucianism in Korean Academia | | 132.51 R425 2020 | 9 | Traditional and cosmic gods in later Plato and the early academy /Bartninkas, Vilius,1991-author | | 141.4 B291 | 10 | Contemplation et vie contemplative selon Platon /Festugière, A. J.1898-1982 | | 141.4 F418 2017 | 11 | Body and soul :essays on Aristotle's hylomorphism /Whiting, Jennifer,author | | 141.5 W599 | 12 | Living together :essays on Aristotle's Ethics /Whiting, Jennifer,author | | 141.5 W599-2 | 13 | Cicero's De Officiis :a critical guide /Woolf, Raphael,editor | | 141.65 C568-7/ C568:2 | 14 | Realismus und Idealismus in der gegenwärtigen Philosophie /Rometsch, Jens,editor | | 143.77 R288:2 | 15 | 思想录 :一位天才科学家的反科学理性杰作 法兰西最优秀的散文 /帕斯卡爾1623-1662,文字作者;李德謀,編譯者 | | 146.33 P278/ 8733 | 16 | The body problematic :political imagination in Kant and Foucault /Hengehold, Laura | University Park, Pa. :Pennsylvania State University Press,c2007 | 147.45 H511 | 17 | Jacobis Philosophie :über den Widerspruch zwischen System und Freiheit /Sandkaulen-Bock, Birgit | | 147.46 S194 | 18 | Eine lebendige Einheit des Vielen :das Bemühen Fichtes und Schellings um die Lehre vom Absoluten /Stoffers, Johannes,1982-author | | 147.47 S873 | 19 | "Reduplikative Identität" :der Schlüssel zu Schellings reifer Philosophie /Frank, Manfred,1945-author | | 147.48 S322-2 v.28 | 20 | "Individuum est effabile" :Spekulativ logische Erkenntnis des Einzelnen in Hegels Wissenschaft der Logik /Auinger, Thomas,1970-author.;Grimmlinger, Friedrich,author of foreword | | 147.51 H462-2/ A923 |