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序號 書名/作者 出版項 索書號
1焦氏類林 /焦竑,1541-1620,文字作者;李敦慶,1985-補充文本作者041.6 652/ 8466
2Zurück zur Freude :Studien zur chinesischen Literatur und Lebenswelt und ihrer Rezeption in Ost und West : Festschrift für Wolfgang Kubin /Grosse-Ruyken, Jari,editor051 M815 v.57
3春香傳 /許世旭,譯者083.6 8434 v.477
4魏晉南北朝《尚書》學研究 /程興麗,1983-文字作者092.7 8645
5王肃《诗经》学研究 =The research on Wang Su's study of The Book of Songs /吳從祥,1973-文字作者093.07 345/ 8894
6诗经论丛 /李山,1963-文字作者093.07 846-3
7Handbuch Menschenbilder /Zichy, Michael,editor101.639 H236
8The human :bare life and ways of life /Lechte, John,author101.639 L459
9A quoi sert l'homme? /Lestel, Dominique,author101.639 L642
10《论语》的内在逻辑 /張榮昌,文字作者121.227 8765:2
11"哀公问孔"与孔子晚年思想研究 =A research on Confucius's thoughts in his last years through the conversations between Lu Aigong and Confucius /秦飛,1987-文字作者121.23 835:2
12The complete Tao te ching with the Four canons of the Yellow Emperor /Lao-tzu.;Gladding, Jody,1955-121.31 L664/ G542
13《淮南子》中的儒学思想研究 /王學偉,文字作者122.27 8467
14黄道周《洪范》学和《孝经》学研究 =The research on Huang Daozhou's study of Hongfan and Xiao Jing /許卉,1978-文字作者126.9 6366/ 845-2
15Mysticism and materialism in the wake of German idealism /Goggin, W. Ezekiel,author.;Hannan, Sean,author143.65 G613
16Deleuze and Guattari's Philosophy of Freedom :freedom's refrains /Olkowski, Dorothea,editor146.79 D348/ D348:25
17Jung on Ignatius of Loyola's Spiritual exercises :lectures delivered at ETH Zurich/Jung, C. G.1875-1961,author.;Stephens, Caitlin,translator170.189 J95-7/ S832 v.7
18Nous sommes les autres animaux /Lestel, Dominique198.38 L642
19L'animal est l'avenir de l'homme :munitions pour ceux qui veulent (toujours) défendre les animaux /Lestel, Dominique198.38 L642-2
20Apologie du carnivore /Lestel, Dominique198.38 L642-3